Sunday, November 2, 2008

Red Means I have accomplished the goal

Blue means I am in the process of accomplishing the goal

Our 1st Year of Marriage

1. Put up our first Christmas Tree
-This was sooo much fun! Being our first tree, we didnt know all of the secrets to keeping it alive (sprite/Asprin) so it wasnt looking too hot when we took it down.

2. Decorate the House for the holidays
-Funny Story- Before Dean and I got married, I hated Christmas decorations, as they seemed a bit annoying to have to put up and take down. One trip to Lowes and Walmart this 08' Holiday season, had my mind changed. Dean's words were " I thought I married a girl who would quote: Never put up holiday decorations" hahaha oops

3. Plant a Tree - We planted a white dogwood.

4. Plant a time box

5. Carve Dean and my initials in a tree with a heart around it.

Health & Well-Being

6. Work out 3 days a week -at least (1/143)

7. Take Vitamens everyday for a month (0/30)

8. Go 1 month without Sweets (0/30)

9. Take an excercise class I've never taken- Hot Yoga was wonderful!

10. Go 1 month without Soda

11. Be a vegetarian for a week

12. Lose enough weight to fit back into my old jeans

13. Try a detox diet

Home Projects

14. Get rid of 101 things I don't need (98/101)

15. Paint Trim
- I'm about half way done. I am not very patient, so I can only do a little at a time.

16. Build Shower & tile Master Bath

17. Paint Cabinets in both bathrooms and kitchen
- Okay, so if I can give 1 tidbit of information. It is much better to just go get brand new cabinets than to have to strip down the previous stain on some cabinets! Oh my gosh my arms and fingers hurt for days! We now only have our bathroom cabinets to paint, and as I am typing this, I am looking at my kitchen cabinets with no doors. We still have to stain them.

18. Replace Countertops in kitchen- Bought this stuff called skimstone. Check it out. Kinda cool for resurfacing countertops. We can not start that project though until we finish the cabinets... booo

19. Tile Kitchen Floor and backsplash

20. Get new plantation blinds

21. Plant an herb and veg. garden- I planted Basil (killed it once and replanted it and it is growning wonderfully. Yellow Peppers, tomatoes, dill, chives, and parsley..... the dill is long gone and the chives kicked the bucket the other day... I am not so good at this.

22. Paint the Guest Bathroom
- There is not a bit of wall paper left in this house! I have become a master. If anyone needs help getting rid of their wall paper, give me a shout!

23. Paint the 2nd Guest Bedroom
- When we moved into our house, there was one room that was bright pink. (It was a childs room) It is now a sage green color, but is still referred to as the "Pink Room"

24. Paint wood surrounding hot tub - Got Rid of Hot Tub :-(
- Turns out that the people that sold our house did just enough to make the hot tub look like it was working. It just turned into our problem. Slow leak, and heater didnt work. Finally got rid of it. Dean was not too happy about it.

25. Paint Garage

26. Install Pot Rack
- I got Dean a pot rack for Christmas 08'. It is up and looks great!

27. Seal Garage Floor

28. Plant Flowers- Done

In The Kitchen

29. Make Grandma's Famous Chicken Noodles

30. Have a Sushi Feast

31. Learn how to make Val's Pickles
- Way easier than I thought. These are Rachel and Chad's Favorite!

32. Pickle green tomatoes

33. Make Pepper Jelly

34. Put together a book of family recipes
- I got a blank recipe book for Christmas. Now I just have to transfer everything over

35. Make homemade dog treats

36. Learn how to make 10 new dishes (1/10)

For the Puppy

37. Take Fletcher to the dog park once a month (6)
- Being off of work for 2 weeks allowed me to be able to take pup to the dog parks. He loves it out there!

38. Give a bath once a month (4/30)
- Fletcher HATES baths. Poor thing....

39. Take puppy for a walk 4 days a week for 1 month (0/16)

40. Put Puppy through obediance school

41. Put in fence for puppy to run free

With or For Dean

42. Surprise him 10 times (1/10)

43. Go Camping- This trip was quite interesting. Went with Rachel, Chad, Brit and Jeff

44. Have Formal Date night once a month
- Dinner and a Movie
- Dean took me to dinner and a Brad Paisley Concert! So much Fun!
- Went to a a movie and dinner.
- Dean took me to the melting pot for the first time! Fell in love with it.

45. Take a cooking class

46. Go to a Duke Basketball game

47. Go see Alton Brown

48. Go see the Rockettes

49. Play 18 holes of Golf & keep score

50. Have a surprise weekend getaway

51. Go visit a wine vineyard for a day

52. Pick fruit at a fruit Orchard

53. Explore 12 new places locally

54. Get Pregnant (Maybe in the last 100 days of the 1001!)

Family & Friends

55. Host Thanksgiving/Christmas for all of family attending
- We went to Kansas for thanksgiving 08' so Dean and I had both parents over to our house for turkey and dressing. My first time ever cooking a turkey

56. Have a Family day once a month (14/30)

57. Plan fun sibling days together (6/30)

58. Organize a Family Vacation

59. Have a Weekend away with My mom and sister

60. Visit Granny 1x a month (6/30)

61. Make 10 dates to hang with mom & dad (mom-0/10) (dad-0/10)

62. Have a girls day/night out once every 2 months.

63. Take a trip for a weekend with Dean's highschool friends

64. Take a trip for a weekend with Megan's highschool friends

65. Make a Birthday Calender of friends and family and send cards to at least 30 of them (0/30)

For my Heart

66. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru

67. Donate Blood

68. Donate to the Salvation Army

69. Work at Soup Kitchen

70. Walk or Run for a Cure

71. Give a child in need Christmas Gifts


72. Go to Brazil

73. Visit Family in Kansas (Thanksgiving)

74. Visit Family in Wisconsin

75. Take a trip to the Beach

76. Take a trip to the mountains


77. Start a loose Change Fund and do something fun with the $ at end of 1001 days

78. For every goal un-done $20 to savings account

79. Cut Coupons & use them

80. Save up 20k in the bank -

81. Pay off cars- My car is paid for!!! I thought that would never happen. Now we just have a little left on deans car

82. Check stock market 1x a month and move money around if need be.

For the Earth

83. Take our own bags to the grocery store

84. Start a recycling bin for cans and paper products

At Work

85. Get the Star of Excellance

86. Bonus

87. Bonus

88. Get Promoted

For Me

89. Do something Fun with my Hairstyle- I did get a pretty drastic cut for me, and got some caramel highlights

90. Spend a day at the Spa
- Rach and I spent the day getting massages, facials, and pedicures, while sipping on Champagne. Hard life. I wish I could do that at least once a week.

91. Do 2 more bible studies (1/2)

92. Join a small group at church

93. Eat at 5 new restaurants I have never eaten at
- Acme Oyster House
- Court of Two Sisters
- Port of Call
- Juan's Flying Burrito
- Newk's

94. Take a dance class

95. Reduce my shoe collection by 25%
-This is harder than I thought it would be. AUGH!!

96. Create and maintain non-digital phone and address book

97. Back up my computer- I didnt know how wonderful an external hard drive was. I dont know how I lived without it.

98. Go Tubing down the river

99. Go WhiteWater Rafting

100. Go Hiking

101. Go Splunking with brother


Megan Miller said...

#98 is go tubing down the river

Maci said...

I'm so proud of you! =) love you sis

The Finger said...

You did not walk the dog today - only 5 days left this week to walk the dog four times.

The Finger said...

You finished #67 this weekend...